Today's blessing:
A run to the end of the block and back
I'm a runner. I have been since grade school, but I got serious about it in college. That's when I realized that running is my therapy. If I had to miss a day of track or cross country practice, I started getting really crabby right around 4:30. (Practice was at 3:45.) No joke.
Now, don't get some idea that I'm this crazy elite runner who wins races and everything. I'm not. I'm a very average runner. Very very average.
And I'm okay with that. Really, I am. I think the things that set me apart from lots of other average runners is that I'm willing to put in the time and I know how to train. You don't run for three years under an elite coach and not learn a thing or two about proper training!
However, now I find myself in a bit of a rut. I just ran a half marathon at the beginning of August. It was great - I felt strong, I beat my time goal, and I had a blast. But now there's the letdown. I'm done training. What now? Races are expensive, so I can't afford to run them often. Also, I just don't have the time. With the husband working so much now and country roads that aren't safe for/conducive to a jogging stroller, what's a girl to do?
I'll tell you what she needs to do.
She needs to get that notion out of her head that if it's not all out, it's not worth it.
That if she's not going to PR on her next 5k, she might as well stand on the sidelines. Or stay on the couch.
That if she can't log 30 miles a week, she might as well not log any.
She needs to realize that she can get up 20 minutes earlier to hit the pavement (or gravel).
And that six miles a week is better than none.
It's good for her sanity.
Now I'm off to bed. I have a run to the end of the block that I need to get rested up for tomorrow morning.
By the way, the end of my block and back is two miles...I love country roads!
I'm glad you got a end of the block in last weekend and we had a little talk!