raising a mommy

raising a mommy

Saturday, April 27, 2013

mission statement: part one

Today's blessing:
Spring. Finally.

When I was in college I worked for ResLife. Aside from having an odd obsession with rocks (any of my other Auggie CAs remember that?), we seemed to be big on mission statements. A mission statement defines  a company, organization, or person's reason for existence. That's a pretty big deal.

Yet, I suppose it makes a lot of sense. Defining your reason for existence? Probably not the worst thing you could spend some time doing.

I remember feeling like kind of a cheater, but I took my mission statement straight from the book of Colossians:
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. -Colossians 3:17

It perfectly stated how I wanted to live my life; why should I reinvent the wheel?

Well, I think it's about time I decided what I want to do with this blog. That's right - I've been writing (somewhat sporadically) for over a year now, and it is long overdue. Over the next few weeks, I will be formulating a mission statement. It may sound simple, but anyone who has ever written a mission statement knows that there's more to it than most people think.

For me, the hardest part of a project is getting started. What tips can you share with a person who has trouble corralling their thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. When we wrote mission statements for summer camp staffs, our first step in the process was to draw of picture of how we envisioned the summer. Then we combined our pictures and put words with the things in the combined pictures.
